Disney princesses, Disney old ladies, and Handmaids being strong
 I sell prints of this Chicken Dance illustration at craft fairs, and my favorite moments are watching Arrested Development fans explain to their friends what all the different chicken dances mean (it usually involves awkward dancing in a cramped boo
 I made this illustration for Mindy Kaling after she ordered a Mindy Project print from my etsy shop!  She recently  shared it on instagram  and I plotzed for a very long time.
 Running series: iconic foods from different TV shows
 Another running series: “How Do I Feel Today” mood charts
 Love 2 combine TV and food!
 Broad City is one of my truest loves.
 Hashtag relatable
 This Parks and Recreation Ice Cream illustration was the first pop culture drawing I made that got me  some traction on tumblr .  I probably owe the majority of my career to this ridiculous drawing.
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